From this Dashboard page you can navigate the features we provide you in discovering new food truck parks, reviewing their applications/contracts, contracting into members, booking dates-times for single day visits, or getting onto their waitlists.
Within the calendar are all the individual day-shift visits that our partnering food truck parks are offering. These spaces are meant to be non-contractual visits that give our food truck parks more cuisine variety.
Here you can see all the food truck parks we either partner with or simply know about. Our list can grant you more insight as what kinds of venues they are, and level of popularity they're at.
#3 Get Approved
Each park has its own terms you will need to agree to. You can apply to the one(s) you desire most, and we will inform you of your approval status after you submit your application(s).
#4 Participate
After your APPROVAL is informed, you will have access to the booking calendar for you to choose your own committed dates-times. Thereafter, we will advertise your hours-of-operation to the public.